School Program

BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying


The Goal

to STOP Bullying

Many confuse conflict and bullying behaviours. Bullying is different to conflict and requires intervention and a supportive, educative, community response.

The BE the CHANGE© program identifies the four key groups involved in bullying and the POWER they have to either help or hinder bullying behaviour.

The BE the CHANGE© program is a must for schools who don’t just want to talk about bullying, but want to equip and empower children and adults to rise up to BE the CHANGE©.

The Program

Understanding, skills and a language

The BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying© program provides training in:

  • the definition of bullying
  • types of bullying behaviour
  • why people bully – creating empathy and awareness
  • why people are targeted – skills in resilience and confidence
  • the onlooker role – high and low risk intervention
  • the role of adults – how to be supportive
  • how one person can be the change in a school community

This program also collects data to identify bullying behaviours your students may be experiencing and where or when it may be happening. Recommendations are then provided to schools in how to BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying. Reviews and updating of school bullying policies can also be offered.


Evidence of Effectiveness

BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying's impact

I realised by the time I walked out yesterday that having Jocelyne run the BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying Staff workshop was probably the luckiest moment in this term for me. Her messages were heard and felt deeply. Talking to other staff, I get the impression they feel very much the same. It was the timeliest reminder about how important our role is each and every day.  Year 4 Teacher - Brisbane School

This program is valuable for students and has made me realise what bullying behaviour looks like. It has given me strategies to use. Year 3 Teacher - Brisbane School

The BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying is valuable to students. It is practical, full of variety and movement. It is carefully explained. Each child could identify with what was been talked about and resources and videos were interesting and relevant. Year 3 Teacher- Brisbane School

‘You cannot change what you don’t acknowledge.”

Dr. Phil

Below is an example of data collected from a primary school. This data guides training, resources and school decisions for teachers, school initiatives, parent support and equipping of students to create a safe school and an empowered community to BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying.

Without a bullying program like BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying© schools cannot be sure who is involved in bullying, what behaviours are occurring and the extent of its impact. Bullying rarely occurs in front of adults. Just because we don’t see it or hear about it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening! We can ALL BE the CHANGE to STOP Bullying!



If you're ready to take action against the bullying issues in your school community, please enquire now.

Enquire Now