School Program

The Goal
A whole-school well-being and mental health conflict resolution and anti-bullying program
BRIDGE BUILDERS® is a whole school approach to equipping children to be resilient, effective communicators and empowered to deal with everyday conflict and reduce bullying.
BRIDGE BUILDERS® is embedded into the everyday life of schools and is valuable for:
- Year 1 to Year 12
- All staff
- Principal and leadership team
- Before and after school care
- Parents
- Early Years - Child Care and Kindergartens
The Program
Identifying solutions for your school with BRIDGE BUILDERS®
"A whole-school approach is vital for developing and implementing programs for the mental health of students. One of the problems in schools and in school systems is we tend often to do things in isolation when in fact, everything's connected"
Professor Brian Caldwell, Educational Transformations
The BRIDGE BUILDERS® – Staff Training focuses on equipping teachers with the theory, science and tools to be powerful, positive influences in wellbeing and mental health. Strategies taught will help teachers build knowledge and professional practise in helping not only children be resilient and resolve conflict but also tools to work with other adults. The BRIDGE BUILDERS® program also offers an individual resource program for principals, deputies and behavioural teachers who work with students who require individual emotional or behavioural support. It emphasises, reflection on choices, understanding of the science of behaviour, educating and practise of appropriate responses, goal setting and restoration.
The BRIDGE BUILDERS® – Peer Mediation program is a leadership program for 20-24 year 5 or 6 students who are responsible and respectful in social situations, care for others and can learn to follow the process of mediation to assist younger students in resolving conflict with each other in the playground. This program skills older students, not involved in the conflict, to help younger students to come to an agreement through a process of cooperative exploration to teach conflict resolution skills. The program helps in developing responsible learners who have ownership for their problem solving and focusses on positive mentoring relationships.

The BRIDGE BUILDERS® – Online program is an amazing, interactive, skills based program for students, all staff and parents. This online program uses videos, short answer questions, clickable interactives , games and animations to teach skills in emotional awareness and management, seven strategies to solve conflict , how to let it go and how to get help. As well as:
- Direct links to the National Curriculums’ HPE and Personal and Social Capabilities.
- Data to show student progress and learning
- Over 200 printable activity sheets and games for follow up and differentiation
- 10 Newsletter inserts for Principals to immerse the skills in the whole community
- Teacher dashboard for staff training
- Parent access to build partnerships between school and home
- And much, much more.

Can be used on all devices
Fun and educational
Simply track progress and learning
The BRIDGE BUILDERS® – Book Empowered for Life, playground signs and classroom posters – high quality and valuable resources to help reinforce and immerse the BRIDGE BUILDERS® skills. We provide schools with large outdoors signs for reminders to children of how to respond to conflict or bullying in the playground, where they need it most. There are also posters for classrooms to reinforce and remind everyone of the skills to use. Jocelyne’s book Empowered for Life- Equipping children to deal with everyday conflict and bullying provides educators and parents with a hands-on resource for understanding how to help children and practical ideas for the classroom and home to reinforce them.

Jocelyne has developed a program like no other. It is positive, empowering and practical for students. Equipping children in conflict resolution, active listening, self-calming and kindness are lifelong skills. By training students in this program, Jocelyne is training future adults who can use what they have learnt to have a positive impact in our communities.
Robyn Press - Early Education Specialist Teacher, Cannon Hill Anglican College

Evidence of Effectiveness
BRIDGE BUILDERS® empowering communities across Australia. Here's how.
Parents found the workshop extremely helpful in gaining a clearer understanding of the differences between conflict and bullying. A range of parenting strategies were covered that will enable parents to better assist their children deal with everyday conflicts.
100% positive feedback from all parents in attendance!
Mark J – Principal, St Helens, Maryborough, Qld
St Helens invested two days into the BRIDGE BUILDERS® program. This program is outstanding on so many levels. Unlike other strategies we have previously used that are overgeneralized and open for error, this program gives students (and adults) specific, step by step strategies to resolve conflict. It is achievable and successful. Students were enthused during the training and are excited to launch the program in our school this year. Staff have embraced the program and are looking at ways to embed the strategies in their classroom. Parents raved about the training session and loved the practical nature of the information evening. I would recommend this program with all my heart.
Amanda W - School Chaplain, Tinana State School, Maryborough, Qld
Excellently presented and well supported by the additional materials. Students responded really well and some started using the language straight away in the playground. One of the best programs around and I can see our school using it, not just this year, but into the future.
Jocelyne tailored her presentation to support the Christian values of the school.
Allan C – Principal, St. Patricks, Mitchell, Qld

The graph above shows the distance travelled in children's cognitive understanding of topics before and after the program.
One of the best conflict resolution programs around.
Teacher, Victory College Queensland
I think this program is very valuable for children as it shows us how to work problems out so we can have more friends and learn more about ourselves we can also help put a stop to bullying.
Year 6 girl, Greenslopes State School, Qld
I think the BRIDGE BUILDERS® program is good for students of all ages around the country and the globe.
Year 6 boy, Springwood State School, Qld

An example of one classes results of pre and post skills in conflict resolution.
BRIDGE BUILDERS® could have incredible benefits at every level of your school and school community.
Contact us now to empower your school.