School Program
The Leader in You

The Goal
Teach super-skills to help your school leaders to be the heroes in your school
The Leader In YOU!© sets your school up for success through school leaders.
The Program
How does the Leader in YOU© work?
Being a school leader is more than just a title. These students need skills to help them lead the way. The Leader In YOU!© program is tailored to fit your school’s specific values and includes comprehensive training in:
- Understanding and modelling your school values
- Time management and goal setting
- Tips in public speaking at school assemblies
- Skills in how to resolve conflict
- Resiliency skills
- Communication skills
- Skills in how to give instructions and praise
- Skills in showing and engendering respect for others
Cultivating leadership skills for now and the future.

Believing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential.
John C Maxwell

Nurture your student leaders with the Empowering Life Skills Leader in YOU© program.
Enquire now to see how we can help.
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